Estate Planning Attorney

Law Office of Evan Benjamin, LLC

Our Law Practice

Practice includes all legal aspects related to New York & New Jersey Estate Planning

Last Will & Testament

Everyone over the age of eighteen should have a valid will in place to ensure that they determine- and not the State- who receives their estate’s assets upon their death.


Power of Attorney

A Durable POA is a valuable and essential component of a complete Estate Plan. By appointing an individual- in whom you have complete trust- to act in your stead with…



For many individuals and married couples or partners, having a legally binding and fully funded Revocable or Irrevocable Trust Agreement as the backbone of their Estate…


Health Care Directives

End-of-life documents should always be part of a complete Estate Plan so that your loved ones have clear instructions as to how you wish…


Pre & Post Nuptial Agreements

Nowadays, it is common among couples about to embark on married life for the first time- or prior to marrying a second or third time- to enter into a prenuptial agreement.

Family Limited Partnerships

A family limited partnership (“FLP”) is a holding company owned by two or more family members, created to retain a family’s business interests, real estate, publicly traded and privately held securities, or other assets contributed by its members.


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